Effective Micro-Organisms (EM)
What is EM?
EM is the abbreviation for (Effective Micro-Organisms also known as Effective Microbes or Efficient Microbes) and is a combination of various beneficial naturally occurring micro-organisms, EM contains beneficial organisms from three main groups: photosynthetic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria and yeast. These effective micro-organisms secrete beneficial substances such as vitamins, organic acids, chelated minerals and antioxidants, when in contact with organic matter they change the soil micro flora and fauna so that disease-inducing soil becomes disease-suppressing soil.
The anti-oxidation effects of these micro-organisms pass directly to the soil or indirectly to plants maintaining their NPK and CN ratio. This process increases the humus content of the soil and is capable of sustaining high quality food production.
Effective micro-organisms were developed over many years in liquid form by Prof. Dr. Teruo Higa of the University of the Ryukyus and finished in 1982. At first EM was considered an alternative for agricultural chemicals. But its use has now spread to application in environmental, industrial and health fields. It must be stressed that EM is not a synthetic chemical or a medicine but a microbial formulation.
The benefits of Effective Micro-organisms
By improving soil and plant health, EM assists in germination, flowering, fruiting and ripening in plants thus increasing yields and quality of produce.
EM also enhances the efficacy of organic matter as fertilizers and assists the photosynthetic capacity of plants (allowing them to use more of the light spectrum).
Other beneficial effects include the suppression of soil borne pathogens and pests, and the ability to suppress weeds thus reducing the reliance on chemicals as control.
Both conventional and organic farmers have taken up the use of EM Effective micro-organisms. EM cuts fertiliser costs and in time also reduces the volume of weeds. As EM effective micro-organisms work largely in the anaerobic sector they are especially effective in areas where problems such as putrefaction, sludge and offensive odours occur.
EM effective micro-organisms are used in arable farming, vegetable production, orchards andViniculture. Using EM in fish breeding waters and ponds brings both an improvement in water quality and sludge reduction.
The micro-organisms in EM are able to convert the decomposing material derived from the settling organic matter such as leaves, algae, pollen, seed, fish food etc. This optimises the water quality and produces an excellent environment for fish breeding.
How EM was developed
Sanko Sangyo in Okinawa-Japan introduced and launched the research and the business of EM Technology 25 years ago. Prof. Teruo Higa of The University of the Ryukyus, joined to develop EM Products in early 80’s. Since then, Sanko Sangyo is devoted and dedicated to produce safe and high quality EM products for its customers to contribute in protecting of human and environmental health.
Their expertise has seen EM developed for use used in the following areas:
* Industrial solid wastes / sludge
* Council wastes / waste
* Industrial effluent
* Sewage sludge
* Sewage water
* Industrial odour/tannery odour
* Sewage odour
* Live-stock shed odour
* Poultry farm odour
* Indoor odour
* Reclamation of saline effected soils
* Reuse of saline ground water as irrigation water
* Organic farming
Using EM Technology, hazardous metals-laden mineral sludge can be converted into non-hazardous biological sludge for safe disposal and use as bio fertilizer in agriculture and as soil conditioner in the remediation saline-alkali lands.
EM Technology, can eliminate foul smelling odours emitted from the stagnant industrial and sewage water.
EM Technology, can be used to reclaim saline-alkali soil and hazardous groundwater can be made fit for irrigation purposes.
Farm refuse and animal manure can be converted into Bokashi compost for use in organic farming.
EM and Environmental pollution:
Industry produces 3 types of pollution
1. Air pollution with gases and smoke
2. Surface and groundwater pollution with the wastewater (effluent) loaded with various types of salts and pollutants.
3. Land pollution; with the solid waste buried in landfill sites.
Using EM Technology can help to:
* Convert industrial sludge into bio-sludge for safe disposal or application as bio-fertilizer in floriculture, parks and lawns.
* Deodorise the strong odours of industrial effluent, tanneries, sewage, solid waste, council waste etc.
* Prevent the breeding of flies and mosquitoes
* Reduce the concentration of pollutants in effluent for its safe disposal and an extra treatment can make the effluent reusable for watering of flowers and lawns.
* Control surface as well as groundwater pollution
* Diminish the pollutants in sewage water and clean it further for safe disposal.
* Compost council waste for reuse.
EM in Agriculture:
The application of EM will improve soil and irrigation water. EM can be used as a seed treatment. EM can be used to make organic sprays for the enhancement of photosynthesis and control of insects, pests and diseases.
EM Technology helps to:
* Reclaim and improve salt affected lands, improve soil structure and its related properties, improve germination of seeds, growth of crops, enhance photosynthesis, control weeds, control insects and disease as well as increasing yields.
* Remove various problems relating to horticulture (gardens or orchards) to increase fruit production and its quality.
* Enhance the quality of all types of farmyard manures i.e. Animal manure, poultry manure, solid waste, litter, kitchen waste, green leaves, grass etc which when converted into compost, the application increases the microbial population in the root zone of plants.
* Accelerates the decomposition of organic matter applied to the land, availability of nutrients to crops and control of insects, pests and diseases.
* Minimize the salinity hazard of groundwater used for irrigation purposes.
* Conduct sustainable organic farming comparable to farming with synthetic fertilizers.
EM in Vegetable production
Using EM Technology can
* Improve the texture, quality and nutritional value of all vegetables.
* Increase the microbial population, accelerating the decomposition of organic matter in the soil and improve the nutrient uptake by vegetables.
* Increase crop yield.
EM in Gardens and Orchards
Fruits are a rich source of vitamins and minerals, but insecticide sprays can be dangerous for human health as the insecticide (poison) accumulates in the uppermost fruit layer. EM Technology has made it possible to grow fruits without insecticides. EM sprays help to control attack of insects, pests and diseases.
The application of EM in various forms helps to:
* Increase microbial population, accelerate decomposition of organic matter and unlock nutrients, improving and maintaining the porosity of the soil under the canopy of fruit trees.
* Control insects, pests and diseases
* Enhance photosynthesis
* Increase fruit yield and its quality
* Carry out sustainable and profitable horticulture
EM in Parks and Lawns
The application of EM products and EM composted organic matter helps to:
* Balance soil PH
* Maintain the soil fertility
* Increase microbial population
* Improve the growth of grasses
EM in Animal husbandry
Rearing of animals is always accompanied with foul odours; storage of liquid and solid waste, their handling and management can be a problem to farmers.
The application of EM helps to:
* Eliminate foul odours on livestock, poultry and stud farms
* Eliminate pathogens
* Eliminate flies and mosquitoes
* Clean the environment
* Provide better working atmosphere to the workforce
* Create interest in handling of EM composted material, its transport and application in the field
* Improve digestive system by feeding EM fermented dry feed and green food and offering EM mixed drinking water
* Improve overall shed environment and reduce / eliminate infections and disease when sprayed at regular intervals.
* Improve milk and egg yield
* Improve meat quality in livestock, poultry and fisheries
* Reduce infant mortality
Recycling of kitchen waste and Council Solid Waste
Local councils in the treatment of solid waste landfills have used EM Technology around the world. The motto of "acting locally" can be taken quite literally if we were all to incorporate the use of Effective Micro-organisms at home by treating all of our food and green wastes "locally". Solid wastes are inevitable in today's society, but how we manage the waste is the real problem, not having them. Getting rid of items that still have some usable value is not management, but waste. Waste incineration leads to problems with air pollution as well as relying heavily on fuels to produce high heat for the process to work properly. Materials that go into landfills include, but are not limited to, green wastes, food wastes, metals, plastics, construction debris, etc.
Local council landfill sites are managed under strict regulation requiring covering, dust control, odour control, and leachate management for air and groundwater protection. Landfill managers are concerned with these factors as well as compaction rates as well. Landfill gases are required to be captured as they could be explosive and are often flared because they are loaded with impurities that prevent them from being efficient energy sources. Increasing compaction rates and cleaning the gases with Effective Micro-organisms so they can be used would save taxpayers millions of dollars per month on a national level.
Food Waste
Do you compost? Have you bought one of those expensive big rotating drums? Do you have piles of materials in your yard that you wish you could just compost quickly? How would you like to not have to turn piles of waste materials and turn that stuff into soil ASAP? Are you limited on space? Here is a way to increase the amount of materials you can recycle without going through the work of composting, speed up the process, and get the materials you have now turned into rich soil conditioner fast!
Find out about Bokashi Composting
Using EM helps to:
* Convert waste into bio-fertilizer for use in home gardens
* Consume almost no budget, rather reducing expenditure being incurred on the purchase of organic matter from the market to maintain gardening at small or large scale.
* Reduces the volume of waste collection from each household.
* Eliminates transportation cost to landfill sites.
* Reduces management cost at landfill sites.
* Eliminates the production of foul odours, flies and mosquitoes.
* Clean drains with the liquid produced from Bokashi Kitchen composting.
EM Research and Development
Sanko Sangyo’s scientists are engaged to carry out research on the use and application of EM products in various fields. The improvement in the quality of our products and the applications of EM Technology is based on our long-term research.
Research has proven that:
* Saline and alkali soils can be reclaimed successfully. Reasonable yield can be obtained in the 1st year of reclamation. EM application improves the structure and microbial population.
* The EM Technology has been fully developed to eliminate foul odours of all types produced in various industries, council waste, organic waste, livestock farming, sewage and bathrooms, after carrying out research in respective areas.
* Scientists have converted leather tannery’s sludge and petroleum refinery’s sludge into bio-fertilizer. The hazardous heavy metals can be reduced with the treatment of EM products. These bio fertilisers can be applied in floriculture and gardening.
* Effluent of leather industry can be treated with EM products. Pollutants can be reduced to reasonable extent for the safe disposal of effluent.
* EM products can be applied in fisheries to increase fish weight and reduce mortality.
* EM Technology can be applied in poultry production to gain remarkable results. EM improves the bird’s health and egg and meat quality and also reduces mortality in birds.