Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Organic Agriculture Training

Denpasar, October 26, 2010

No. : 185/X/IPSA/2010
Lamp. : 3
Subject: Organic Agriculture Training with EM Technology

To: Head of Department of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Maritime Affairs
Tasikmalaya District




In line with community care for the environment, various efforts have been made to replace the use of hazardous chemicals with environmentally friendly technology. In order mewujudakan Bali organic farming. Bali Governor Mangku Pastika hinted Integrated Agricultural Systems (Simantri) will be synergized with the institutions and natural resource development. To realize these ideas with the leadership of Governor regional work units (SKPD) directly review the Institute for Natural Resources Development (IPSA) owned by Mr. Oles in the Village Shop, Busungbiu District, Buleleng District (21/8/10).
EM technology is environmentally friendly technologies that can be applied in agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, environment, industry, and health .. Technology Effective microorganisms (EM) was first developed by prof. Dr. Teruo Higa, a professor of Faculty of Horticulture University of the Ryukyus Okinawa, Japan. Until now, EM technology has been utilized and developed by more than 90 countries worldwide.
Institute for Natural Resources Development (IPSA), Bali is a non-governmental organizations established in 1997 to educate and train professional farmers, agribusiness, researchers, agricultural extension workers, lecturers, students, businessmen, and students who have an interest in the development of sustainable agriculture and environmentally sound with EM Technology. IPSA has been completed and issued more than 4,000 certificates.
Education and Training program with EM technology, we have put in various types (attached). If interested, then the cost of training in the transfer to Rek. No. BCA 0400890668 Gede Ngurah Denpasar on behalf Wididana and proof of deposit slip in a fax to (0361) 228240 to Koentjoro.
So the letter we hereby offer training, we say thank you for your attention.


Ir. Koentjoro Adijanto
Marketing Coordinator IPSA Bali

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Contact Person:

Koentjoro / Yoyok
HP .. 081 5575 9274 Fax (0361) 228240
Website: http: / /

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