Senin, 23 April 2012


MINYAK OLES BOKASHI - FERMENTED OIL FROM MEDICATED PLANTS BY EFFECTIVE MICRO-ORGANISM (EM) TECHNOLOGY POM TR 083 677 911 Minyak Oles Bokashi is a traditional medocine made from the mixture of several medicated plants fermented and extracted by using the Effective Micro-organisms (EM) Technology. The extraction of suchmedicated plants contains several anti oxidants and essential substances for curing skin problems,sore muscles and bones, and a few internal problems, also good reducing bad odor and for herb bath. Compisitions : - Oleum cocos 60 % - Oleum Cajuputi 4 % - Oleum Citonellae 4 % - Oleum Eugenol 4 % - Oleum Foeniculi 2 % - Oleum Cinamomi 2 % - Oleum Pepermint 2 % - Others 22% Indications and Directions : . For skin problems : ulcer, chafed, ringworm, skin fungus, itchy, scab, burn, insect bite : Apply Bokashi oil on the suffering part twice a day .For sore muscles and bones : twisted ankles, rheumatic, stiff, waist/back-ache, gout, feeling og pains and needles, swollen. .Herb bath : Add five drops or bokashi oil into pail of warm water for bathing and freshen your body


ENERGY VITALITY DETOX CERAMICS BioXera is a health ceramis, which is processed whith pure kaolin clay and enginereed thrugh a complex fermentation with Technology infusion.
BioXera ceramics is heated in to a 1.200 0 C burner for 5 hours to seal the healthy properties in. EM bracelet can heighten immune power in human body in compliance with the synergic to diminish stiffness in the body. The colour in BioXera ceramics is processed by rainbow technology. The process of rainbow technology can give different colour effect resulting from the heat and giazing colour of the ceramics according to your selected colour. BioXera colours can bring out positive aura and improve greater health .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... KERAMIK UNTUK ENERGI, KESEHATAN DAN DETOX BioXera adalah keramik kesehatan terbuat dari proses fermentasi tanah kaolin dengan teknologi EM (Effective Microorganisms).
Pemanasan keramik untuk kesehatan telah banyak di gunakan untuk melancarkan peredaran darah, meningkatkan pancaran aura tubuh, meningkatkan dan menyeimbangkan getaran medan magnet serta getaran elektromagnetik tubuh sehingga badan menjadi sehat. Pewarnaan dalam keramik BioXera menggunakan Rainbow Technology. Rainbow Technology mampu menghasilkan warna-warna tertentu dari hasil pemanasan dan pewarnaan glasir pada keramik sesuai dengan pilihan anada. Warna-warna BioXera bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aura tubuh anda sehingga memberikan manfaat positif bagi kesehatan.