Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

Hawaii Kona Coffee With EM

Kona Coffee

Lafayette Kona Coffee Farm- Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
The perfect coffee growing conditions are located in Kona, on the island of Hawaii. 100% Kona coffee is recognized as one of the best coffee available worldwide. Andrew and Kazune Lafayette has incorporated EM to their Certified Organic Kona Coffee Farm since October, 2001. One character of EM applied coffee beans is that EM beans are much larger compared to other organically grown coffee beans.

October, 2002- "I'm sold on EM. Trees are awesome after one year of spraying (EM). The entire farm transformed into extraordinary health. Also using EM with good results during fermentation & washing process." Andrew Lafayette

October, 2003-"Our farm speaks for itself. Only fertilized twice in 2.5 years and completely lush and pumping! Once people realize how much money they can save while actually improving their land, EM will catch on very rapidly." Andrew Lafayette

●100% Kona Coffee Medium Roast    
●100% Kona Coffee Dark Roast

Used with permission from EM Hawaii, Inc. web site (www.emhawaii.com)