Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009

Agricultural Applications

Agricultural Applications

The intended purpose of agriculture is to consistently supply food that is safe for consumption. The ideal form of agriculture, as stated by Dr. Higa, is to achieve not only food production but also to protect the environment, resources and human health while being economically successful. Therefore, farming with the use of EM•1® has the following goals:

1. To produce food to maintain and improve human health
2. To create a situation that is both economically and physically beneficial to both producers and consumers
3. Can be implemented by anyone and has durability
4. To respect nature and be responsible for preserving the surrounding environment
5. To be flexible in accommodating the needs of food production according to population growth

When EM•1® is applied properly, we know with over 20 years of experience that EM Technology™ can specifically make the following possible:

* Decomposition of organic matter (including organic wastes and residues) and the improvement of fertilizer effects
* Recycling and increasing availability of plant nutrients
* Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen
* Suppression of soil-borne pathogens
* Solubilization of insoluble nutrient sources
* Production of polysaccharides and overall rich microflora to improve soil aggregation

Overall, the use of EM•1® is an economical way to promote a sustainable, resource-recycling agriculture that is environmentally friendly.

For specific application ratios and technical support, please consult an authorized distributor in your country.

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